Previous Keynote Speakers
2009 William F. McComas, University of Arkansas
- Discovering Darwin / Examining Evolution
2010 H. Jeff Kimble, California Institute of Technology
2011 Keith Baggerly, M D Anderson Cancer Center
- The Importance of Reproducibility in High-Throughput Studies: Case Studies in Forensic Bioinformatics
2012 Jane Goodall, The Jane Goodall Institute
- An Evening with Jane Goodall
2013 Michael Summers, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Insights into the Mechanism of HIV-1 Assembly and Genome Packaging
2014 Paul R. Selvin, University of Illinois
- Your Body is Made of Trillions of Tiny Walking Molecular Motors
2015 Alex Badyaev, University of Arizona
- Islands in the sea of possibilities: Making sense of biological diversity in the era of genomics
2016 Steven Harms, M.D., Aurora Imaging and Medical Associates of Northwest Arkansas
- The Technology Road for Breast MRI
2017 Jun Ye, Fellow of JILA, Member of National Academy of Sciences; University of Colorado
- Optical atomic clock and applications
2018 Christopher E. Mason, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
- Planetary-scale and space-based genomics for improving astronaut health
2019 Carrie L. Partch, PhD, the University of California, Santa Cruz
- Short clocks and morning larks: A structural switch in Casein Kinase 1δ controls circadian timing in humans
2020 Peter J. Hotez, MD. PhD., Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital
- Preventing the Next Pandemic
2021 Jessica N. Snowden, MD. MS. MHPTT., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Telling Your Story: Communicating and Advocating for Science in Challenging Times
2022 Bo Huang, PhD, University of California, San Francisco
- Mapping the Inner World of Cells
2023 Kim Orth, PhD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- Black Spot, Black Death, Black Pearl: Tales of Bacterial Pathogens